Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Cloth Wipes-The Easy Way!

Aside from being born 2 months early, my oldest son hasn't had any issues-minimal rashes, awesome skin, no reflux, no colic-just very opinionated (and that's ok by me). So when my second was born, I assumed he'd be similar. Yah, yah, no two babies are the same, but they can't be THAT different right? I mean, they came from the same set of genes...

Well, baby #2 really hasn't had terrible issues either, but when it comes to skin he is quite the opposite! He would get frequent rashes, burns easy, and is super pale. Around 4 months, we decided to try cloth diapers *gasp*! We had tried about 5 different types of disposables and his skin just couldn't handle it. There was definitely a learning curve to cloth (more on that in a future post) but I just couldn't quite make the switch to cloth wipes. We had a spray bottle but I just never felt like it worked well enough for us, so we just used disposable ones. About 6 months later he still had some issues, and I realized it was only when I used the wipes! So we tried several brands from generic to high-end, but nothing kept his bum from getting red. I felt so bad! So after some Pinteresting, I made a wipes solution and decided to make my own! Here's what I did. It's so easy and I totally love it! No squirt bottles, less things to manipulate during changes (yay!) and no red bum!

Supplies: Wipes box, baby washcloths, baby wipe bits (homemade or bought-some on Etsy or cloth diaper stores), water!

First: I fold my washcloths together (about 16) so they kind of accordion together. This way when I pull a wipe out, it pulls the next one up, too. Then I put them (dry) into a wipes box. 

Second: I dissolve 1/2 wipe bit cube with 1 cup hot water and pour over the dry wipes. 

Third: I pull the first wipe through the top hole and close the lid. Voila! I change them out every few days (2-3 times a week)

I make my own wipe bits from coconut oil, baby castille bar soap, and essential oils (lavender, roman chamomile, and melaleuca from Spark Naturals). Then I cool them in a bite-size brownie silicon tray. 

Once cooled they go into an airtight container in the fridge. They can last up to 6 months in the fridge! One cube is 2 solutions worth, so they last a while. Very Affordable and easy!

When traveling, I put a few pieces into a baby food jar.  Portable and airtight! :)

I hope this post has helped another parent looking for an easy way to use cloth wipes! :)

Happy Wiping! ;)

***Don't forget, if you order from Spark Naturals, use #couponcodeSEED for 10% off all orders***