Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Peel Peaches Pronto!

It's peach season! I really wanted to try my hand at jam and spiced peaches this year, but I was dreading pealing all of those peaches. I've only ever cut the peels off so thinking of cutting the peels of more than three peaches was a little daunting, and honestly felt a bit wasteful-so much flesh lost when I cut the peels.

While searching for the perfect recipes, I came across my answer! This trick may be old-hat for some of you experienced canners, but this was a revolutionary discovery for me! I hope by sharing I can make your canning endeavors more enjoyable (and quick!).

Before you start, have a medium/large pot of boiling water on the stove. On the counter place a bowl of cold ice water, a cutting board, and a large empty bowl for the peeled peaches. 

Now you're ready to start!

1. Take ripe peaches...

2. Place peaches in the boiling water for 30sec-1min...

3. Quickly put the peaches into the cold ice water...

4. Take the peaches out of the ice water and pull the peels off!

It's as easy as that! It took me about 15 min to peel the whole box of peaches-about 50! With pears coming on soon, and possibly canning tomatoes as well, this trick will come in handy.

Happy Canning!

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Easy Cake Mix Cookies!

I'll make this short and sweet (literally)!

This weekend my Aunt DH asked me to make some "reverse oreo" cookies-Yellow cookies with chocolate frosting in the middle. Um...ok...I have never done this before...so of course I headed to Pinterest. I found a few good options that were about the same with slight variations and decided to give it a try.

Let's be honest, I don't always have the stuff in my pantry to make cookies from scratch. but I almost always have a cake mix! Here's what I ended up doing--and it was SOOOO easy! No amazing baking skills required. ;)

What you will need:

Mixing bowl
Spoon, whisk, or mixer
1" cookie scoop (or spoons)
2 cake mixes (In this case I used yellow)
4 eggs
3/4 cup olive oil (or coconut oil)


Preheat oven to 350*.

In the mixing bowl, mix ingredients together. Using the cookie scoop, scoop out dough and roll with hands into balls. (12/cookie sheet)

Bake for 7-8 minutes. Cool on pan for several minutes before transferring to a cookie rack.  Be sure to allow the cookies to completely cool or they will fall apart while frosting. Frost between two cookies (sandwich style).

Voíla! Beautiful and delicious reverse oreo cookies. :D

Think of all the possibilities! Using this easy method, you can have a colorful array of delicious cookies that look amazing.

Happy Baking!

**If you want to make the frosting from scratch instead of using store bought, the following recipe is yummy!**


8oz cream cheese
1/2 C butter
3 C powdered sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract

Whip until smooth and use between two cookies.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Cloth Wipes-The Easy Way!

Aside from being born 2 months early, my oldest son hasn't had any issues-minimal rashes, awesome skin, no reflux, no colic-just very opinionated (and that's ok by me). So when my second was born, I assumed he'd be similar. Yah, yah, no two babies are the same, but they can't be THAT different right? I mean, they came from the same set of genes...

Well, baby #2 really hasn't had terrible issues either, but when it comes to skin he is quite the opposite! He would get frequent rashes, burns easy, and is super pale. Around 4 months, we decided to try cloth diapers *gasp*! We had tried about 5 different types of disposables and his skin just couldn't handle it. There was definitely a learning curve to cloth (more on that in a future post) but I just couldn't quite make the switch to cloth wipes. We had a spray bottle but I just never felt like it worked well enough for us, so we just used disposable ones. About 6 months later he still had some issues, and I realized it was only when I used the wipes! So we tried several brands from generic to high-end, but nothing kept his bum from getting red. I felt so bad! So after some Pinteresting, I made a wipes solution and decided to make my own! Here's what I did. It's so easy and I totally love it! No squirt bottles, less things to manipulate during changes (yay!) and no red bum!

Supplies: Wipes box, baby washcloths, baby wipe bits (homemade or bought-some on Etsy or cloth diaper stores), water!

First: I fold my washcloths together (about 16) so they kind of accordion together. This way when I pull a wipe out, it pulls the next one up, too. Then I put them (dry) into a wipes box. 

Second: I dissolve 1/2 wipe bit cube with 1 cup hot water and pour over the dry wipes. 

Third: I pull the first wipe through the top hole and close the lid. Voila! I change them out every few days (2-3 times a week)

I make my own wipe bits from coconut oil, baby castille bar soap, and essential oils (lavender, roman chamomile, and melaleuca from Spark Naturals). Then I cool them in a bite-size brownie silicon tray. 

Once cooled they go into an airtight container in the fridge. They can last up to 6 months in the fridge! One cube is 2 solutions worth, so they last a while. Very Affordable and easy!

When traveling, I put a few pieces into a baby food jar.  Portable and airtight! :)

I hope this post has helped another parent looking for an easy way to use cloth wipes! :)

Happy Wiping! ;)

***Don't forget, if you order from Spark Naturals, use #couponcodeSEED for 10% off all orders***

Monday, June 22, 2015

Helter Skelter

These last few weeks have been a whirlwind! Between our house sale falling through...twice, nearly losing the home we had lined up, eating so much junk, and baby B getting his canine teeth in, it has been an emotional roller coaster!! This week is proving to be a bit better. Here's why:

Unpacking: the rooms are not totally unpacked, but they are tidy! Things I haven't unpacked yet are either in the closet, basement, or garage. This has created a semblance of peace and order, which has been desperately needed!! When I walk into a room I don't see the million little things I haven't yet done, but rather a clean, inviting space. 

Routine: Living out of boxes is quite stressful-for everyone-which makes it especially stressful on mama, who is trying to be productive and stay sane while keeping kiddos from freaking out due to upset schedules and feeling out of place. Now that a lot of our familiar belongings are out and we have begun a regular routine, life is getting "back to normal". It has also allowed me to implement changes I've been wanting to make for a while now (ever the procrastinator). AND I've been able to gain more control of my eating. I have my blender for smoothies, my keurig for herbal teas, my fridge and freezer for storing left overs, and my crockpot! 

Essential Oils: My diffuser was one of the first things I unpacked! It's been such a comfort to have. There is something to scents-they can evoke emotions just like sounds or colors can. Roman Chamomile has been wonderful when I'm feeling so frustrated and ready to just give up. Peppermint and Wild Orange have helped invigorate and motivate me to get the things done I need to do. (More on this below). I'm excited for this week's deal because I use Frankincense all the time! 

Time for Myself: Through it all I've had to make time for myself! I get too worked up and overwhelmed and when that happens, I put everything aside. I've been trying new crochet patterns (baby hats for Etsy this week), exercising daily (even if it's only 10-15 min), reading (currently: When Calls The Heart by Janette Oke), and learning more about the essential oils that I love! I recently bought my most favorite EO reference book that I have found. It lays out different oils, their uses, properties, and safety precautions. There is a whole section addressing body systems and remedies for various maladies from focus and concentration to eating disorders and addictions. It is my most useful reference. One of my favorite things in the oil descriptions are the emotional effects of each oil. I've been playing around with different blends and it has been fun to see the mood change in my home. I highly recommend The Essential Life: A Simple Guide To Loving The Wellness Lifestyle (from Total Wellness Publishing, LLC). 

Sprout Tip: All in all, don't forget yourself completely. You are important. It's ok to put the stress aside for a while, rejuvenate, and then get back to work. :)

Friday, May 22, 2015

Natural, Kid-safe Bug Spray

We are headed camping ⛺️ for this wonderful Memorial Day Weekend and so I thought I'd post what we use for bug spray! Like many of you, I wanted a bug spray that would keep the bigs away without all of the nasty chemicals, especially in my babies (fur and otherwise). I always bring Rose Geranium oil for my dog to keep the ticks away, but I needed something all-encompassing for my family! So, this is what we use:

It helps ward off ants, mosquitoes, fleas, flies, and ticks. So wonderful! And what's more? IT. SMELLS. GOOD! Amen, right? 

We are also bringing a small case of oils for those "just in case" moments (including our sleepy time blend from my last post). 

So with summer camping season in full swing, don't forget to add this wonderful spray to your camping gear. 

Happy Camping!

****Special Weekend Promotion****

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Good Night, Sleep Tight...

I don't know about you, but getting my littles to calm down can be quite the dreaded task. Between running around to avoid jammies, screaming, crying, "one more story, mom?"...it seems endless! So what can you do? There are plenty of blogs out there about how important a night time routine is in countless variations. That is not this post. THIS post is about an essential oil (EO) blend that I have found helps us all calm down! Oh, the miracle of oils.

In my research I found a combination of calming oils that I had in my stash so I decided to give it a try. I am so glad I did! The recipe I found called for an ounce (30mL) of Almond oil, but all I had was an empty 15mL dropper and fractionated coconut oil (FCO), so that's what I used. Here's the *recipe:

1 15mL dropper/bottle
4 drops Lavender EO
2 drops Roman Chamomile EO
Fill with Fractionated Coconut Oil

To make the blend more effective, put the drops of essential oil in first to blend, and then fill the dropper with the FCO. Before bed, put the blend on your kiddo and massage in, optimally toward the heard (ankle to thigh, wrist to shoulder, etc.).

That's it! There you have it! These oils are very gentle and have a wonderful calming effect.  Not only that, but the gentle touch massage is calming and a special bonding time for you and your child.

*This blend is is great for babies 1-4 years. For NB-1, I'd suggest 2 drops Lavender, 1 drop Roman Chamomile for more dilution. For older children, I'd use a bit more EO at a 2:1 ratio.

**As Always, use coupon code: seed at check out for 10% from Spark Naturals.

Happy Thursday!

Monday, May 18, 2015

I Like to Move it, Move it...NOT!

Moving is a very stressful adventure and can be...daunting to say the least! To make it easier I searched Pinterest and asked by Facebook friends for all sorts of moving ideas and then implemented them in my own ways. Here is what I've done! Hopefully it will help you in your next move.

1. Dejunk!

About a year ago (when we were planning to put our house on the market) I went through all of our things-clothes, toys, storage boxes, etc.  Anything we hadn't used since our previous move, and things we simply wanted to get rid of were put into a weekend yard sale. It was a great way to bring in a little cash (about $100) and the rest was donated to the thrift store. Now that it has been a year and we are finally closing on our new home, I have gone through the storage again. It was much easier this go-around! Anything we didn't use or need since last year was out! Several trips to the thrift store later and there goes several boxes I won't be packing/unpacking. Yay!

2. Develop a System!

Our last move was with a job relocation so most of our things were packed for us. Sounds like a dream you say? It was a mess! They did an ok job packing (minimal damage), but I was so unorganized before they came that we found most boxes were labeled "Pillows" when it was really office supplies with a pillow on top. NOOOOT so fun to unpack. This time WILL BE DIFFERENT! Here's what I've done.

I grabbed an old notebook (from my teaching days) and sectioned it off with masking tape tabs. Each tab was labeled with a room and designated number.

Each room or area of the house was designated a Duct Tape color. To conserve on $$ I limited it to 6 colors, so some colors cover multiple rooms but similar destinations in the new home.

I wrapped colored duct tape around opposite corners so the color could be seen from any side. On the top of the box I used the tape for the description.

I labeled each box with a number and a general description.

Then in my notebook I wrote specifically what was in each box so that I could find a particular item easily without rummaging through 5 boxes.

Any boxes or totes that are to be put in storage were simply labeled (I used white tape for the label but didn't wrap around the corners like those specified to designated rooms) and will be put into the basement.

Everyday I pack a few more things. We should close in two weeks (fingers crossed!) so if I pack a couple boxes each day it won't be so stressful and chaotic at the end, and the incredibly overwhelming task of boxing up my life won't be so daunting. To quote Bill Murray, "Baby steps"!

Not only has packing this way helped me organize my belongings, but it will be great when family and friends come to help us unpack! Because each room/area is a certain color, boxes will be easily placed where they needed to be for easy unpacking.

3. Plan Ahead!

Eat Frozen Food-To limit the amount of food you will need to toss (or transport), start making meals with all your frozen foods! It may mean you have some totally random combinations (like chicken nuggets with peas and pasta with a smoothie-from frozen berries/fruit) but it makes for cleaning the fridge out much easier (and less wasteful)! Then, as more things are packed, quick microwave, crockpot, or oven meals are the way to go! Less dishes and stress-double win!

First Night Box-Plan a box of all the things you will need the first night you are in the house. That day will be busy and stressful! The last thing you want to be doing is digging through boxes looking for a roll of toilet paper or a towel after a much needed shower. Some things to consider (aside from towels and toilet paper) are paper/plastic dishes (cups, plates, bowls, silverware), bedding, box cutter, small trash bin/trash bags, bottled water, and a pill case for vitamins/medications for that night.

Camping/Activities-Often times when we are moving, there are events that have been planned for months in advance that just happen to take place the weeks before moving. For example, we have a family camping trip that has already been paid for, so instead of simply skipping it, we are already packed and ready to go! When we are done, I will put the camping stuff back in the tote and store it for the week before closing so I don't even have to stress about it! (Are you noticing the recurring theme of 'less stress'?)

Logisitics-How are you moving your things to their new destination? Are you renting a storage unit or a storage pod? Are you renting a truck and transporting it yourself? Where are you renting from? Be sure to plan this one ahead, especially if you are moving during the prime moving months in the Spring and Summer time. Sometimes trucking companies are reserved weeks in advance so nail do your plan (and a couple contingencies) as soon as you know your end game. And don't be afraid to ask for deals! Many companies will price match or offer special rates if rented on certain days.

Save "Padding" Materials-Anything that can be used to stuff boxes or wrap items in KEEP! This is a great way to put junk mail to use! Newspaper ads, credit card garbage-you name it, we've used it! We have even used grocery bags, phone book pages, and the market analyses of our house from different realtors. Literally any padding is helpful! And when you're done it can all be recycled.

Overall, moving is a stressful experience. So many factors have to line up just right, and the unknown is scary. Why make it harder on yourself? This move has been one of the least stressful, and I don't think it's because this is our third move in 5 years. They've all been different, with different circumstances, but dejunking, developing a system of organization, and planning ahead have made all the difference!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Summer Skin Care Essentials--Who knew?!

This week Spark Naturals is having a deal on what they call their "Summer Skin Care Essentials". I use a couple of the oils regularly, but it definitely peaked my interest when I saw the list: Rose Water, Witch Hazel, Lavender Essential Oil, Geranium Essential Oil, and Carrot Seed Essential Oil (I didn't even know this was a thing?).

 I decided to look into each of these products and share what I have found with you. :)

Rose Water

Rose Water is a distillate made in the process of producing Rose essential oil. It has a lot of the same properties of the pure Rose oil, but to a lesser degree. It is often used as a skin moisturizer/toner, make-up remover, and linen spray. Wouldn't your house smell so good if your curtains were sprayed with this? I LOVE the smell of roses. It's basically considered "poor man's Rose oil", which is right up my alley (*wink).

Witch Hazel

Growing up the only thing I knew about Witch Hazel was it's name. In college I learned that people use it to clear up acne-it is a natural astringent and alcohol free. I love Spark Natural's description: "It has historically been used widely for a variety of complaints, including acne, sunburn, minor bug stings and bites, hemorrhoids, razor burn and nicks, varicose veins, nail infections, blisters, eczema and psoriasis." Last week I posted about using it in our natural bug repellent. It's one of my new favorite products!!! 

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender is an oil I use almost every day, whether it is in my diffuser, sprayed on (bug repellent), or rubbed on. This summer, to keep bugs away and to recover from those times we stay too long in the sun, bring your Lavender along! Because it is a natural antiseptic/anti-inflammatory/antibacterial, it is great to recover from minor cut, scrapes, bruises, and burns. It also has a calming effect, which can be hard sometimes when the sun is up sooo long-who wants to go to bed at a decent hour? I think I have bought this oil the most, because we definitely go through it.

Geranium Essential Oil

Geranium oil is one I haven't used too much because my mom is allergic to Geraniums, however it is a very popular oil, and for good reason! It is a wonderful healing oil, that is used as a natural astringent, as well as a mood, circulation, and nervous system enhancer. We also use Rose Geranium oil as a natural tick repellent for our Clancy pup (large chocolate lab!). We haven't had an issue yet!

Carrot Seed Essential Oil

I have never heard of this oil so I did a bit of reading. Carrot Seed oil is often used in natural sunscreens and face creams because it has natural SPF and can help reduce wrinkles/aging. It combines well with Geranium and Frankincense (also anti-aging) oils. It has also been used to help with Jaundice and arthritis.

I hope this was helpful and inspires you to use more natural products to protect and enhance your natural beauty. If you have any favorite ways to use these oils, please leave a comment below!

Welcome, Summer Days!!

**If you are interested in ordering these products from Spark Naturals, don't forget to use the coupon code: SEED for an additional 10% off.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Favorite Spring Oil Blend!!!

Last summer I saw Spark Naturals had a blend called L.L.P. and I thought, well that's a dumb name! That doesn't tell me anything! However, despite my initial reaction, this blend has become my springtime favorite! Its a blend of equal parts Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint (L.L.P.). Why is it so great? It works wonders with allergies! I've been diffusing it all month. Every time my eyes get a little itchy, or I notice the kids are getting a little red eyed and stuffy, I just put a few drops into my diffuser and within minutes we start feeling better!

Why does it work? To answer that question, lets explore the blends' three components. Lemon is a natural antihistamine that, when combined with lavender and peppermint, can help relieve mucus build up and cool the allergic reaction. Lavender is a natural antihistamine and anti-inflammatory that has a soothing, calming effect on the body. It is also great to use on skin irritations such as rashes or hives. Peppermint acts as an anti-inflammatory and helps open airways with its strong, cool mint. Thus, when used together, they calm the reaction, reduce mucus build-up, and open airways. What could be better than that?!

There are several ways that L.L.P. can be used. Below are 4 procedures listed in order of Mild-Severe allergy remedies, meaning if your symptoms are mild, simply diffusing should do the trick. If they are more than mild, move down the list ;)

1. Diffusing-Add 4-6 drops of the Spark Naturals blend L.L.P., or equal parts Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint (about 2-3 drops each) into a diffuser to freshen the room and reduce allergens.

2. Apply NEAT-Add 4-6 drops of the Spark Naturals blend L.L.P., or equal parts Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint (about 2-3 drops each) directly to the bottoms of your feet. I do this by pressing the bottoms of my feet together and placing the drops on the little hole made by the arches. Then rub your feet together to get the oils spread and rubbed in to your feet.  If the oils are too strong, dilute with a carrier oil such as Fractionated Coconut oil. You can also place the oils in the palm of your hands, rub them together and rub the oils on your neck and chest. (NEAT is not recommended for babies as peppermint is a strong or "hot" oil.)

3. Allergy Shot-Add 4-6 drops of the Spark Naturals blend L.L.P., or equal parts Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint (about 2 drops each) into a shot glass of water and down it quickly! Doing this gets the oils into your system quickly. If you are sensitive to hot oils, this route is not recommended.

4. Allergy Bomb-Place Add 4-6 drops of the Spark Naturals blend L.L.P., or equal parts Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint (about 2-3 drops each) into a veggie or gel capsule and ingest 2-3 times daily until symptoms subside.

Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint are the basic oils that most companies have in their starter kits because they are the most universal. What does this mean for you? They are the easiest oils for you to get your hands on and what better time to try them than when all the beautiful spring growth is getting you down!

Happy Spring!

**As always, you can find these oils at Spark Naturals and get a 10% discount when you use the coupon code: seed at checkout.

Monday, March 9, 2015

No Excuses

In a letter from my cousin this week he said, "the last thing people want to hear is excuses.  Apologize it didn't turn out the best, plan, adjust, and move on." That got me thinking. How many times do I make lame excuses and why do I make them? The most common for me are excuses for not going somewhere/meeting someone or not doing house chores/misc. things that need to be done. You've heard them all before; probably even said them (or a variation of them) yourself.

"It's just been crazy around here" (said from your couch)
"The boys have been sick" (I wiped his nose yesterday...that counts, right?)
"I think I'll stay home tonight instead of going to the meeting I planned to attend" (even when there's not a reason not to go)
"I could've gone, but I was starting to get a headache" (my eyebrow twitched an hour ago, better not)

Honestly, who cares? So you didn't want to do something. We all feel that way. Often times we feel like we have to give a reason. News flash-you don't! There are times when an explanation is warranted, but more times than not you can leave it at "I didn't get to it" and be done. Many times we give excuses because we feel the need to apologize for our actions, even when an apology isn't needed or necessary. Excuses are also a way to avoid accepting responsibility for our actions. "I couldn't get to it because of the kids/my boss would not stop talking/people don't know how to drive. The list goes on. Step up, be accountable.

This week I am going to make less excuses. I am going to make a concerted effort to leave the excuses behind and take accountability for my actions.

End Rant. ;)